Get the most from your hormonal therapy
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Nothing should really surprise you about the Feel+ dietary recommendations. These are universal rules, like the famous “eat five fruits and vegetables per day” and the classic “breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper,” to which you are recommended to add a snack in the middle of the afternoon.
Only eat fried foods, cream cakes or rich foods occasionally, and be careful with excessively greasy, sweet, or salty foods. Unless otherwise indicated, it is not a salt-free or sugar-free diet (long live fruit!) but carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) are recommended once a day. Finally, eat meat moderately and enjoy fish as often as possible.
What requires effort is eating less and avoiding quick snacking between main meals, except once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Nothing but common sense: eating better is eating a balanced diet and watching the quantities.
Some basic advice is outlined below:
Vitamins, mineral salts, fibres and an infinite variety of taste; five different fruits and vegetables a day is anything but a burden. A piece of fruit for breakfast, a serving of raw vegetables at lunch, a piece of fruit at every meal and a soup or vegetable to accompany them in the evening and you have had your daily quota! In addition, a salad or soup as a first course will cut hunger and will help you to eat moderately.
Since taking part in the Feel+ programme, my appetite, my sleep and my energy is improved. It helps you change your outlook; you can give yourself a programme for the day and the week. It helps you set yourself a target
Get the most from your hormonal therapy
Physical activity and keeping moving is a central part of Feel+